About is a simple yet powerful online IDE, Editor, Compiler, Interpreter, and REPL. Code, compile, run, and host in 50+ programming languages: Clojure, Haskell, Kotlin (beta), QBasic, Forth, LOLCODE, BrainF, Emoticon, Bloop, Unlambda, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Scheme, APL, Lua, Python 2.7, Ruby, Roy, Python, Nodejs, Go, C++, C, C#, F#, HTML, CSS, JS, Rust, Swift, Python (with Turtle), Basic (beta), R, Bash, Quil, Crystal, Julia, Elixir, Nim, Dart, Reason NodeJs, Erlang, TypeScript, Pygame, Love2D, Tkinter, Java Swing, Emacs Lisp (Elisp), PHP Web Server, SQLite, Java, PHP CLI, Pyxel screenshots

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